European Law


European law affects all aspects of life and commercial enterprise in the European Union.

The European treaties guarantee EU citizens and businesses the right to move and trade freely across the twenty-seven Member States of the European Union.  The EU internal market is founded on the fundamental freedoms of movement of persons, services, goods and capital. These freedoms are elaborated upon in considerable detail in European directives and regulations.

Benoît Keane is an experienced European lawyer.  He advises companies on the application of the EU internal market rules to their commercial activities.  He ensures that companies are able to access new markets or are fairly treated in deregulated markets (e.g. energy markets).  He also represents parties in proceedings brought by the European Commission concerning the functioning of the EU internal market.

The decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union is having a profound impact upon businesses and citizens. As a qualified English lawyer, Benoit is well-placed to advise on both short-term and long-term consequences of the final deal.

EU legislation can have a profound impact upon a sector.  Benoît advises on EU legislative proposals from the initial proposal through to final adoption.  He guides organisations through the EU legislative procedure and assists with representations to the EU institutions.


EU internal market rules on services and workers

  • Free movement of goods
  • Parallel imports
  • European legislative process and strategy
  • EU fundamental rights